Last month my dearest friend Jovanka brought me (literally) a suitcase full of yarn from Germany. I was overwhelmed! Between Rainbow Bravo, and all sorts of purple and lavender skeins that I asked for, 3 skeins of (very good quality!) acrylic yarn were sitting … Another challenge by my bestie – the colorway made for knitting jacquard sweaters. I hardly ever knit!
I know crochet toy will not look good. …. What to do…
I made one granny square to see how the granny square something – well anything! will look, and it looked great. Phew! One square led to another, kitchen scale said that 150 grams can produce 23 to 25 squares.
I went to my Pinterest board for help. And there it was 🙂
Pattern for 24 Square Bag, designed by Marinke Slump
With simple but excellent tutorial for lining, too!
And here is what happened in the next few days – crocheting was the short part, lining and sewing it in was a bit longer.
Oh well, I enjoyed, and the final bag looks rather nice 🙂

p.s. from my recent trip to UK I brought something to challenge my capable friend.

Now I wait 😉